Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Story/ideas so far

We have had a week since the project was set. In that time we all sat down (apart from Sam) and descussed what we wanted to do.

Our idea is mostly inspired by Paul, and it is going to be based aroud a young infant/baby Imp.

To get even more of a link to Lincoln, we got the idea to focus on the extremely iratating train crossings that reside around Lincoln, causing stress and disruptin to everyones day as they seem to be always going down when you are near them and you sometimes have to wait for ages as theres often more than one train going through.

The film is going to start out as a 2d peice focusing on the average working man, in a dull environment. But then finnish by connecting the Imp with what's going on for a sence of comedic irony.

Our story is as follows:

It starts of with a train coming over the camera, then cuts to see a shot of the crossing with a crowd of people waiting, focusing on a guyin the centre. As you expect the train goes past, and the guy watches it. However it then becomes odd as the train reverses so he watches it again. Thetrain goes back and forward again. Each time it passes the guy gets more adjitated and anoyed. After the last look at the train the guys umbrella gets blown in a gust of wind and lies out of his hands and goes up through the sky until it finally fades through clouds and reveals a cheaky baby Imp playing with a lttle toy town shwing he was theone controlling the trains.

We have decided on the 2d 3d split to try and show a huge difference between worlds and also to allow everyone in the group to be able to cdo the tasts that they want to do.

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