Monday, 2 May 2011

Begining Imp animation

Just a message to tell my plans for the imp animation:
All the way through the project we haven't exactly decided specificly what the imp will be doing apart from pushing a train back and forwards.
I have had a think about what I'd like and have come to the conclusion to try and get more of the character across to the audience. I want to add the innocence of a young infant.

My plan:

1st shot-

we are going to stick with looking up at the imp pushing the train. Instead of him blowing raspberries I want to add more of realistic way to get the dribble. I want to get a nice shot of him sucking his thumb with just some nice subtle faciel features.

2nd shot-
  1. Cuts to a longer shot of the imp still sucking his thumb and pushing the train
  2. Imp lets go of train and stops sucking thumb
  3. Flps his arms/fidgiting
  4. Reaches over and starts plodding along a person.
  5. Picks up person and flapps arms again
  6. Shoves person in his mouth
  7. Carries on puching train.

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